missing persons

30,000 people go missing every year in Australia, 99.5% are located. But that still leaves .5%!!!!! We live a never-ending nightmare with days, weeks, months, and years of unresolved grieving. There are so many parents, sisters, brothers, husbands, wives, children, friends and more who suffer a terrible loss of not knowing. My nightmare started Fathers Day 1998.... the last time I saw my brother.

Monday, February 06, 2006

People Do Not Just Fall Off This World

On Fathers Day 1998, my brother Nino went missing. What happened? where did he go? the questions are endless and unanswered.

What I do know is he got mixed up with the wrong crowd, I believe foul play was a part of his dissapearance...... to this day no bank accounts, medicare and no sightings.

Nino had left our family home, and was walking to the beach. He was last sighted on Fathers Day walking on Scenic Drive, Budgewoi towards the beach.

Nino Where Are You?

I remember that day so well
But you are not here to tell'
A Sunday in September
7 long years
Each year a flood of tears
Not knowing is the worse
Is this a lifetime curse?
You are etched in my mind
For each day to find
You wore your black vest
Your life was full of zest
I can see your face
Eyes closed I could still trace
I watched you walk up the street
If there's a god it was to early to meet
You told me you were off to the beach
But where are you? your not with in reach
But what I do know
You must of met with a foe
Each day I think
Of that low life link
And if one day I can prove
I promise a cell they'll never move
But always my mind will wonder
Was it quick as a clap of thunder?
Were you in pain?
Or were the skies full of rain?
Were you shivering cold?
Maybe big, strong and bold?
Was your heart full of fear?
My eyes always tear!
But I know what is best
Is to have you laid to rest
Each day I pray
Please find him today!

My brother, My friend
I will love you to my end

The only thing I am wishing
Is your in the heavens and gone fishing!